At first, antenna modeling software is difficult to understand, primarily because of the cartesian coordinate method used. Learn how to use 4nec2 in the design and analysis of antenna systems. Thus for regular shapes like rectangular patch antenna you may obtain slight difference between hfss and zeland ie3d. How to start modeling antennas using eznec greg ordy, w8wwv ctu, contest university dayton, may 19, 2011. Simulation of wire antennas using 4nec2 a tutorial for beginners version 1. This list includes links to eznec, nec4win, super nec, 4nec2 and many others.
Nec develops antenna heat dissipation technology enabling. Nec3, and the current nec4 program which superseeds nec3, allows buried wires and wires close to ground to be modeled correctly. For a given frequency, the feedpoint impedance is calculated, along with theoretical efficiency. Input impedance for different antenna heights 29 9. This rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed for wireless communication application that works at 2. All measurements based on very careful analysis with computer software which results many times has been proven to be quite accurate and reliable in physical world. About 4nec2 antenna modeler the resource is currently listed in in a single category. Yagio is similar to lpcad, it uses keyboard commands instead of a mouse menu. These models will indicate in the cm lines if they need to use nec 4 or 4nec2. These results show that a microstrip patch antenna mainly radiates in the vertical direction.
It also has a wide angle of beam in its radiation pattern. This link is listed in our web site directory since saturday aug 3 2002, and till today 4nec2 antenna modeler has been followed for a total of 29008 times. Web help desk, dameware remote support, patch manager, servu ftp, and engineers toolset. The resource is currently listed in in a single category. The numerical electromagnetics code, or nec, is a popular antenna modeling system for wire and surface antennas. Patch antenna design gareth louis shaw a dissertation submitted to the faculty of engineering and the built environment, university of the witwatersrand, johannesburg, in ful. How to produce a nec antenna file and what software to use. Nec 2 is sufficiently accurate for many antenna modeling purposes, but does not work for buried wires or models with wires that are close to ground.
Nec2 for validating the project of a corner reflector antenna. The following files and links point to nec aoyo models of various ham antennas that i have simulated andor tested over the past 30 years as an antenna designer. The numerical electromagnetics code, or nec, is a popular antenna modeling system for wire. This is a 3 rd party book and is not connected to arie in any way. With all of these software tools, you have everything you need to effectively manage your small business. Numerical electromagnetics code nec2 unofficial home page. Yagio runs under windows 2000, xp, vista, win 7 and likely win 8. The code was made publicly available for general use and has subsequently been distributed for many computer platforms from mainframes to pcs. View antenna display, showing the wires making up the model of the fiveelement beam, with currents and 2d slice superimposed to show orientation. How to produce a nec antenna file and what software to. Hfsss microstrip patch antenna design part1basics of antenna design using hfss software.
Antenna modeling links, stealth antennas, lpcad, aprs. Yag files can be converted using the msdos based scale. This article summarizes some useful advices for efficient antenna simulation with programs based on the nec2 algorithm, developed by the lawrence livermore laboratory. Ive downloaded qantenna and 4nec2 to try and model my antenna and see what i can do, however neither of these programs allow you to make an antenna as far as i can tell they require you to import an nec file. Eznec 2, the basic version of the nec 2 programs, offers 3d plots with 2 d slicing, groundwave output, stepped diameter correction, and numerous shortcuts to antenna geometry modification. These models will indicate in the cm lines if they need to use nec4 or 4nec2. Antenna simulationsvertical and horizontal by nec2. The nec files may be used with any of the nec2 or nec4 programs such as 4nec2, gnec or cocoanec, however some of them with tapered elements may only be simulated accurately by nec4. Some initial words it is a quite an interesting construction. Eznec 2, the basic version of the nec2 programs, offers 3d plots with 2d slicing, groundwave output, stepped diameter correction, and numerous shortcuts to antenna geometry modification. For the design of antenna modelling such as for patch antennas, ic designs. You can also do patch antennas with it, but you cant.
It is very useful for those designing home made antennas for their rtlsdr or other radio, or for those just trying to understand how. Each antenna design software is slightly different from each other as each software design some specific types of antenna. Because conventional antenna elements were large, it was difficult to secure the air flow paths. About necwin pro the resource is currently listed in in a single category. It was originally written in fortran in the 1970s by gerald burke and andrew poggio of the lawrence livermore national laboratory. Electromagnetic simulation software free simulation software. Intel cpu is required on xp and vista systems but not on windows 7 and later. Jul 22, 2019 this is a free gpl electromagnetic simulation software compatable with nec 2. Introduction this is basic instructions for handmade 2300 mhz 14dbi double biquad external antenna. Hfsss microstrip patch antenna design part1basics of antenna design using hfss. Id be interested in a model of the cobra antenna, if the software can do that. Take a look at my tutorial for describing antennas for wlan deployment.
I used computer software 4nec2 antenna modeler and optimizer version 5. The results obtain that microstrip patch antenna can be used as client antenna in computer and workable antenna for wireless fidelity. The physical design of the antenna is entered such as the lengths of wires and elements. Is there any free software where i can design a microstrip patch antenna. The nec simulation model, and sample output, can be found here. With a sample version and a full paid version of the book, the reader will start from downloading and installing 4nec2, learning the 4nec2 user interface, build a 20m dipole and analyze it at various heights above real ground then view the different antenna patterns. Nec2go interfaces with nec2as opposed to mininec and is fortran based. The following files and links point to necaoyo models of various ham antennas that i have simulated andor tested over the past 30 years as an antenna designer. Figure 2 present the simulated 2d cut view and 3d far zone eplane radiation patterns for this antenna. Correction and editing of nec 2 input code is allowed using most of cards from input nec 2 language. The advices and rules of design have been collected from the users manuals of some programs and from technical articles about antenna simulation. Wb0dgf antenna site antenna modeling links, lpcad and.
As shown in the graphs, the calculated result are very close to the measured results. Nec 2 retains all features of the earlier version nec 1 except for a restart option. Best software for ham antenna simulation time owned. Details on how to construct this antenna, both as standalone and as. Is there any free software where i can design a microstrip patch. The utility nec2 for mmana is intended for calculation of antenna models made and optimized in. A maximum quantity of processable segments 3000, nec 2 engine compiled by arie from neede, netherlands.
This link is listed in our web site directory since sunday dec 20 1998, and till today nec win pro has been followed for a total of 31107 times. Nec 2 retains all features of the earlier version nec 1 except for a restart. Is there a free piece of software that will make a nec file for a simple quarter wave whip antenna. Supernec nec2utd combo free nec2 software with excellent gui new web site 31 from tim molteno by dan maguire ac6la free software based on mininec from dl2kqeu1tt free nec software for the mac osx tiger operating system by w7ay other mombased software providers.
Please do not jump over this chapter, because a deep analysis of the nec file details helps to modify or to. Details on how to construct this antenna, both as standalone and as a parabolic dish feed can be found at this link. The electroscience laboratory has developed a number of well known electromagnetic computer codes, which are available to qualified users. Seeking a free antenna design and simulation software. Eznec pro 2 nec 2 based analysis program eznec pro4 nec 4 based analysis program eznec pro 2 and pro4 are windows applications eznec pro v. Eznec pro does not currently implement some nec features such as patches and symmetry. Nec numerical electric code is a simulation method for wire antennas developed by the. The nec engine provides support for modeling patch antennas as well.
Wb0dgf antenna modeling, lpcad and aprs with cycling the wb0dgf w8io antenna site. Here are three examples of patch antenna simulations using sonnet. Nec2 is sufficiently accurate for many antenna modeling purposes, but does not work for buried wires or models with wires that are close to ground. Thanks for downloading and reading this definitive guide to the widely popular 4nec2 antenna modeling software. Also in nec 2 for mmana it is possible to make calculation in a case when some wires in mmana model are in dielectric isolation. I already had 2 almost new antenna rotors, a kenwood and a diawa multimotor plus a random length of 8 conductor rotor cable. Far field pattern for different antenna heights 31 10. Another antenna analysis software alternative to numerical electromagnetic code nec for analyzing insulated or bare thin wire antenna structures over a lossy or perfect groundplane based on the moment method.
Nec visualization, optimization and sweeping tool the 4nec2 tool is a windows and nec2 or nec4 based tool for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler that can be used to create, view and check your antenna geometry structure and generate, display and compare near. It was originally written in the 1970s at lawrence livermore national lab, so the interface leaves. What kind of microstrip patch antenna you would like to simulate. Correction and editing of nec2 input code is allowed using most of cards from input nec2 language. Momrelated software including em surface patch code, reflector antenna. If you find mistakes in this book, they are all mine. The program can be used to model an antenna, and then determine through simulation properties such as the radiation pattern and swr of the modelled antenna. Optimizing the antenna length thick wire dipole of chapter 7 27 9. Nec2 retains all features of the earlier version nec1 except for a restart option. Dameware remote support, patch manager, servu ftp, and engineers toolset. Nec visualization, optimization and sweeping tool the 4nec2 tool is a windows and nec 2 or nec 4 based tool for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler that can be used to create, view and check your antenna geometry structure and generate, display and compare near and farfield radiation patterns. The embedded nec 2 engine is significantly faster than nec 4. Wire antenna software free antenna modeling software.
Therefore, nec has used antennas with a splitring structure note 1, to achieve about half the size of a general patch antenna. Click here for an offsite explanation of various electromagnetic and antenna modeling techniques including the moment method. Qradiopredict qradiopredict is an experimental software for vhfuhf propagation prediction and radio coverage anal. The main category is antenna analysis software that is about software,antenna analysis software, for ham radio operators and hams. Open end extension like the open end of a microstrip line.
Updated version of nec tie included, fixed some bugs with loads support in mininec, also added import from eznec format files. What makes nec2go different from all the other antenna analysis programs. Updated version of nectie included, fixed some bugs with loads support in mininec, also added import from eznec format files. A maximum quantity of processable segments 3000, nec2 engine compiled by arie from neede, netherlands. With all of these software tools, you have everything you need to effectively manage your. Mininec pro antenna analysis software black cat systems. This is a free gpl electromagnetic simulation software compatable with nec2. There is also a sample nec model that you can use to test your setup.
Windows versions of eznec software are under development. There is a wide and varied market of applications that embed the nec2 code within. W7el also makes available eznec, a segmentrestricted version of nec2, and. Production nec files and the first simulation a simple text editor is enough e. Also in nec2 for mmana it is possible to make calculation in a case when some wires in mmana model are in dielectric isolation. How to start modeling antennas using eznec greg ordy, w8wwv. Having had a gem quad hf 201510m for a few years, back in the early 80s, i can testify to the quads slight advantages over a tribander yagi with the same number of elements. For example, surface patches would be too complicated to describe. Major additions in nec2 are the numerical greens function for partitionedmatrix solution and a treatment for lossy grounds that is accurate for antennas very close to.
Nec 3, and the current nec 4 program which superseeds nec 3, allows buried wires and wires close to ground to be modeled correctly. Here is a list of best free antenna design software for windows. The main category is antenna analysis software that is about software, antenna analysis software, for ham radio operators and hams. The nec files may be used with any of the nec2 or nec4 programs such as 4nec2, gnec or cocoanec, however some of them with tapered elements may only be simulated accurately by nec4 or other mininecbased software. What is the best software used for antenna design and simulation. Major additions in nec 2 are the numerical greens function for partitionedmatrix solution and a treatment for lossy grounds that is accurate for antennas very close to the ground surface. On the other hand, some guidelines to simulate multiband and wideband antennas. This righthand circularly polarized patch antenna was designed for operation at 2. The standard is nec2 there are many software applicati ons, even free. Doc analyzing fractal antennas using 4nec2 software. Is there any free software where i can design a microstrip. Opensource software for electromagnetic scattering simulation. See the general description of eznecelnec products under nec 4 above. Through these software, you can design various types of antennas like yagi, jpole, parabolic, quagi, super scanner, etc.
The embedded nec2 engine is significantly faster than nec4. Link here for information and instructions on how to run nec2 in a microsoft windows environment. See the general description of eznecelnec products under nec4 above. Antenna simulations with 4nec2 including an application example. The nec files may be used with any of the nec 2 or nec 4 programs such as 4nec2, gnec or cocoanec, however some of them with tapered elements may only be simulated accurately by nec 4. What is the best software used for antenna design and. Mininec pro is an antenna analysis program for windows and macintosh computers.
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